Let's talk about GREY

We’ll be the first to admit, Grey Undertones can be tricky to grasp. When choosing a grey, you must remember that there is no such thing as a “true grey”. With greys, there are many different undertones and they will all translate differently depending on many outside factors.

What undertones can appear in grey? You will see greys with a blue/green undertones, red/purple undertones and yellow undertones. This is what makes choosing the right grey tricky!

First things first, figure out if you are naturally drawn to warmer colours or cooler colours. This will help you determine the undertone that you would prefer to see in grey.

Lighting is also a major factor to consider when choosing that perfect grey. Depending on the lighting, the undertones can appear differently. The lighting at your own home will be significantly different than your neighbours home, your friends home, and your local paint store! The type of light bulbs you use also play a huge role in the artificial light that will reflect off the surface.

With so many factors playing into the final result of your colour, always remember, it is best to view the colour in your own space before committing to it!

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